what will we say to the children?
Here are 10 songs by David Edwards, including 4 recorded with children.
Listen to, and download, the audio. Where there is sheet music available for a song, a PDF download link will also be visible.
All songs on this page: © 2002, The Estate of David L. Edwards, all publishing rights reserved. Permission given congregations to play recordings during worship or education programs, to use in services that are recorded, and to stream online. Sheet music PDFs may be reproduced and used, providing the authorship and copyright information are left intact.

where can i go? (psalm 139)
this our joy
Words by Joshua Abraham Heschel prompted this hymn: "Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy." It is an expression of the joy we find in simply being and living as we were created to be and live. DOWNLOAD the Sheet Music PDF
take my hand
at midnight on christmas eve
children welcome
This song is based on Jesus' teachings that the Kingdom of God belongs to children, and on his welcoming of children in spite of his disciples' objections. It was the theme song of the first Children Welcome Conference held in Indianapolis in 2000, sponsored by Disciples Home Missions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The refrain is often sung in Disciples congregations as part of the children's sermon or moment in Sunday worship. DOWNLOAD the Sheet Music PDF
why did god make the gnats?
When our son Kent was about six or seven years old, he and I were out in the yard throwing a baseball. It was in the summer, in Lynchburg, Virginia, where there are always hordes of gnats filling the air. A gnat flew into Kent's eye and bit him. As I tried to get the gnat from his tear-filled eye, he said to me, "Dad, WHY did God make gnats?" I guess he figured that since I was a minister, I should know such things. Also, he was demanding that God answer for creating things that hurt. Later that evening, I started writing a song about it. Maybe we don't know why there are things in the world that cause pain, and we just have to learn to live with it. Meanwhile, there is much, maybe more, about life that makes us glad to be alive. DOWNLOAD the Sheet Music PDF
i can love
god has been good to me
what will we say to the children?